For a more eco-responsible approach

Certified in line with ISO 14001, Enygea takes a precautionary approach. To respect this commitment, the Group promotes the development and distribution of eco-friendly technologies: Dry toilets, living quarters fitted with solar panels, water-saving vacuum flush and recirculation technologies, composting stations, etc. An environmental approach which is defended in our operations but also within our support services, which are based in an energy-passive building.

What’s the next step for Enygea?

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Working together to create a sustainable world

Forming an integral part of our CSR policy, we take great care in sustainably developing our business lines. This concerns both the tracking and treatment of fleet waste, the maintenance of ourvehicle fleet, our premises, the optimisation of drivers’ routes, and the zero-paper policy.

Innovating for the environment

To prioritise and promote biodiversity, we’re continuing with our efforts to protect and support the environment. As part of these efforts, 3 apiaries were installed close to Marcoing (59). Bees are an essential element of biodiversity. They’re the ones who pollinate most crops. According to the French Ministry for Agriculture, this corresponds to 9.5% of global food production. In the aim of being carbon contributor, we’ve signed an agreement with the Société Forestière de la Caisse des Dépôts. Enygea Group wants to commit to a voluntary carbon compensation protocol covering some of its residual carbon emissions by funding projects deployed across France, under the Label Bas-Carbone. The forestry sector plays a major role in attenuating climate change. In 2021, a first tree plantation was created in the commune of Marcoing (59). 7,000 trees were planted at the beginning of the year, and it’s estimated that 415 tonnes of CO2 will be recovered.