For optimal social performances

First and foremost, Enygea is a tale of committed individuals working together to provide well-being for everyone, everywhere. It’s therefore out of respect for others and their work that Enygea is committed to respecting freedom of association and collective negotiation rights, to contributing to eliminating any discrimination in employment, and cultivating positive and safe working conditions and environments.

Respecting freedom of association and collective negotiation rights

In 2018, we rolled out our CSR policy, with all of the different profiles contributing to our Group represented, particularly workers/employees — control agents/technicians — managers, with the same equality respected between all of them. We are also part of the DLR (French national federation for distributors, lease companies, and repair forms for construction, public works, and manual handling equipment): This represents our sector, particularly with the SMU commissions (sanitary and mobile units) which were established in 2018. Hervé Montagne was elected chairman of this new commission.

Offering a positive working environment

Since July 2019, Enygea Group’s support services have moved into new, responsible premises. This passive building was designed to promote and stimulate sharing and discussions between employees and offers positive and pleasant working conditions. Aware of the arduousness of our trades, we’re developing our products, and particularly their weights, so as to avoid employee injuries in handling. As part of this safety protocol, we’ve also reviewed our PPE (personal protection equipment) in compliance with the latest applicable standards.

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Promoting transparency in business

In 2012, Hervé Montagne, Chairman of Enygea Group, decided to open up the company’s capital to its management employees. The reason behind this decision lay in the values of responsibility, trust, and transparency, which are fundamental to employee well-being and the company’s growth. To date, managers hold 5.4% of the company’s capital. In 2018, this shareholding represented 2.4%, meaning that it more than doubled (+125%) in 1 year.
It was also in this optic that, in 2019, Enygea Group deployed company social network, allowing all employees to keep up-to-date with the Group’s latest news, to stay informed of any HR developments (job offers, new arrivals, insurance updates, etc.), and to raise awareness of our quality, environment, and safety protocols.